INTDEV joins your team for 3 months
Join forces with us for the next 3 months. Our team will integrate with yours, collaborating on original visual design, branding, full-stack software development, go-to-market strategies, and user testing. We'll work swiftly, handling as many requests and changes as our schedule and capabilities allow.

In a typical 3-month engagement, we can launch a website, create a new brand, develop a design system, and deliver large feature work that ships to customers. This is the perfect starting point for companies looking to make a significant impact in a short timeframe.
Estimated cost$185,000 USD
PaymentNon-refundable upfront payment
Team size5
INTDEV joins your team for 6 months
Extend our partnership to 6 months, and our builders and designers will become an integral part of your team. We'll create, brand, develop, launch, and test your projects with speed and agility. We'll be right there in your channels, working side-by-side to make as many impactful changes as possible.

With 6 months, we can take things to the next level. A typical engagement of this length allows us to launch multiple new products, each with its own unique design system and brand. We can also deliver a few static websites, large features, and conduct user testing sessions to ensure your products resonate with your target audience.
Estimated cost$380,000 USD
PaymentNon-refundable upfront payment
Team size5
INTDEV joins your team for 9 months
Unlock the full potential of our partnership by working with us for 9 months. This extended engagement provides ample time to launch a wide array of products, brands, and features, creating a comprehensive ecosystem for your company.

With 9 months, we can dive deep into your company's long-term goals and develop a holistic product development strategy that encompasses multiple product launches, cohesive branding across all touchpoints, and a robust feature set that keeps your customers engaged. Our team will be dedicated to your success, ensuring that every aspect of your company's digital presence is optimized for growth.
Estimated cost$575,000 USD
PaymentNon-refundable upfront payment
Team size5
INTDEV joins your team for 12 months
Imagine the possibilities of having our entire team join you for a full year. This is the ultimate partnership, where we'll launch as many products, brands, and websites as possible during our time together.

With a 12-month engagement, the sky's the limit. We'll become a seamless extension of your company, working tirelessly to bring your vision to life. From ideation to execution, our team will be there every step of the way, launching products, creating captivating brands, and developing full stack web applications or static websites that drive your business forward. With our studio's full attention and resources dedicated to your company for an entire year, you can expect unparalleled results and a transformative experience that will set you apart in your industry.
Estimated cost$750,000 USD
PaymentNon-refundable upfront payment
Team size5
  1. Estimated cost
    The estimated cost only covers the initial design, build, and ship and not the upkeep costs or further development costs. The projected or approximated amount of money we expect to charge you to assist you with budgeting. The actual cost will be determined after we speak to you.
  2. Payment
    All payments to Internet Development Studio are paid in advance as advanced funds and are non-refundable. We have a small team and need to protect our time, attention and resources.
  3. Upkeep fees
    A portion of the payment funds are used for upkeep of your website, databases, and/or applications. If fund's are not paid we will maintain your services for 45 days until permanent non-reversible termination.

Work with us

We have openings for new clients and partners, check out our prices and figure out if collaboration makes sense for you.